From left: Bro. Martin Zewe, Don and Laura Harlan, SJC President Jeff Mancabelli, Alison Ochoa, daughter of Maj. Gen. Ronald Beckwith ’53, Kiko Washington ’76 and Joe Bruno ’67
Washington, DC – On Nov. 8, 2019, the Lasallian community of St. John’s College High School celebrated the leadership of six members of the SJC community, including Br. Martin Zewe, FSC, who were presented with the President’s Medal, the school’s highest honor. Traditionally, this medal is awarded to distinguished alumni and friends of the school who have given extraordinary service to St. John’s or to the world community. The celebration was held at The Ritz-Carlton in Washington, DC. St. John’s was pleased to welcome NBC News4 reporter and St. John’s alumnus Shomari Stone ’96 as the evening’s emcee. All proceeds from the event will support designated scholarships and the Campaign for Performance and Leadership.
This year’s awardees included Joe Bruno ’67, Don and Laura Harlan P ’15, ’16, ’19, Kiko Washington ’76, Maj. Gen. Ronald Beckwith ’53, inducted posthumously, and Bro. Martin Zewe, FSC.

from left: Brother Thomas Gerrow, President Jeffrey Mancabelli, Brothers Martin Zewe and Anthony Baginski
“We recognized these honorees and publicly expressed our gratitude not only for what they have given to St. John’s, but also for their commitment to so many other organizations. Over the last 21 years, I have had the privilege to truly know our honorees. What I have learned is that they look at the world through the eyes of faith and continuously look for opportunities to serve others,” said St. John’s President Jeff Mancabelli. “Each of you are living the Lasallian mission in your own way. I am honored to know you and grateful for all you have done and continue to do for St. John’s and the greater community. Because of your efforts, St. John’s is a vibrant learning community – a school stronger than it has ever been – filled with students who appreciate all they have been given through the support and dedication of the alumni and greater St. John’s community.”
Bro. Martin Zewe, FSC, grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, and graduated from Central Catholic High School. He attended John Carroll University for two years and then entered the novitiate of the Christian Brothers in 1961. After completing the novitiate, he entered the scholasticate in Philadelphia and graduated from La Salle University.
In 1965, he began his teaching career at Hudson Catholic High School in Jersey City, NJ. He taught for six years before serving as vice principal and then principal. After his term as principal, he participated in a spiritual renewal program at Sangre de Cristo in Santa Fe, NM. Bro. Martin was then assigned to West Catholic High School in Philadelphia, PA. He taught there for nine years and then became vice principal. In 1988, he returned to his alma mater, Central Catholic High School, as principal.
Upon completion of his term as principal at Central Catholic, Bro. Martin was assigned to St. John’s College High School, where he returned to his first love – full-time teaching. He taught at St. John’s for 23 years, from 1994-2017, and during his tenure he served as chair of the English Department and spent several summers working at San Miguel School.
In 2018, after 52 years in the classroom and 56 years as a Christian Brother, Bro. Martin was assigned to serve as director of the Christian Brothers retirement community in Beltsville, MD.
For more photos, and videos from the honorees, visit St. John’s College High School’s website >
Congratulation Brother Martin. If anyone deserves it you do. Thanks for your years of service.
Walter Mueller
Hudson Catholic Class of ’71
You always put the students first, even when you came down to the football field with a chicken. Lol
Bro. Martin congratulations!!!! No one deserved it more. Thank you for pouring all your knowledge, enthusiasm, and passion into your teaching.
Moises Sanchez
SJC Class of ‘04