patrick-duffy06/22/12 – Pittsburgh, PA – The Diocese of Pittsburgh has announced that Br. Patrick Duffy, FSC will be the new President of Central Catholic High School, stepping in for the late Br. Richard Grzeskiewicz, FSC. This assignment has been approved by Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC, Provincial of the District of Eastern North America.

A Brother for 47 years, Patrick Duffy’s educational service covers much of the Western hemisphere. From Cumberland and Baltimore, Maryland, to Washington, DC, and from countries like Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Bolivia, Br. Patrick literally and figuratively brings a world of experiences to his first official Presidential administrative role.

Brother Patrick most recently stepped down from his position earlier this year as the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast Region. Brother Patrick was responsible for over 17,000 children and 643 teachers in 382 free primary schools. The excitement of teacher training, announcing the Gospel to the poor, managing budgets, fund raising, negotiating salary increases with the Ministry of Education and the construction of schools provided daily challenges.

Br. Patrick is no stranger to Central Catholic or the city of Pittsburgh. Brother Patrick grew up in Pittsburgh’s Beechview neighborhood, attended St. Catherine of Siena School and graduated from the Christian Brothers-conducted South Hills Catholic High School. The Brothers’ community and school at Central Catholic have long been Brother Patrick’s Stateside point of reference. Over the years, he has coordinated and hosted 7 missionary experiences for Central Catholic students. The Central Catholic family, through the annual Lenten mission drive, was always a major contributor to Brother’s missionary efforts.