Brother Ralph Darmento, FSC

Words of Remembrance for Brother Ralph Darmento, FSC

Delivered by Sister Maryann Seton Lopiccolo, SC
August 18, 2020

“Life is changed, not ended.” How often we hear this, pray it and believe it, especially at time like this. “Life is changed, not ended.”

Brother Ralph lived this and believed it in his life through the many changes which helped him to grow, as a family member and brother to his sister, Maria, a religious Brother and an excellent educator and administrator.

In each phase of his life, Brother Ralph was a believer, a man whose faith was deeply rooted in a personal God. A quiet and somewhat private person about his personal life, Ralph spoke boldly about his lived faith and commitment to serving his God. How evident this was in his life and ministry as a De LaSalle Brother of the Christian Schools.

Every word of that title held deep meaning for Ralph. He was devoted to his religious founder St. John Baptist de la Salle and the vision he had for educating the poor and disadvantaged as a means of building up each person’s character and thus society and the Church.

Ralph gave his life to that vocation. He could run down the list of schools across the country where he served in a variety of roles, and there were many, but always with that one focus – to educate the poor and disadvantaged and provide a means for a better more fulfilled life.

As a religious Brother, Ralph gave witness to the values of community life, prayer – supported ministry and fidelity to his vows. He loved being a Brother and was committed to his congregation and his friends in community. He held a high standard for himself to be faithful to the title “Brother” and all that it could mean.

Ralph was also a brother and friend to so many. Besides his sister Maria and family, for whom he cared lovingly, he sent notes and cards to a myriad of friends across the country to mark holidays and birthdays which somehow he never forgot!

As a colleague in ministry and as a friend, so many of us found him loyal and committed to the Mission of our Diocese, our Church, and personally interested in  each one of us as if we were the only one. How many of us shared too in the lighter side of his life, especially at dinners he prepared and enjoyed.

Yes, life is changed, not ended – the life of faithful commitment and dedicated service that Ralph gave with all his heart doesn’t end for him; that personal love for God that fed his heart and soul is now fully realized in his heavenly place with his loving Redeemer.

Life is changed, not ended for all of us too. But it will be different for his sister, for his brothers in community and for all of us who walked with Ralph in many ways. Yet, we must continue to believe, to have deep faith that we are still one with him in spirit and in prayer. As we each live our own daily commitment to live and serve and love as Jesus did and as Ralph did his whole life, we believe that in sharing in
the life of God, we can become and already are one with Ralph and all our loved ones who share eternal life in God’s loving heart.

Be at peace, Ralph, and pray for all of us. Amen.

Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Brother Ralph Darmento, FSC

1952 – 2020

Born Ralph Joseph Darmento in Brooklyn NY on 4 March 1952
Entered the Windsor ON Canada Novitiate on 1 September 1974
Received the Religious Habit in Windsor ON Canada on 29 September 1974
Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Providence RI on 5 January 1982
Died at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn NY on 14 August 2020

Funeral Arrangements

Monday, 17 August 2020

Viewing – 2.00pm to 4.00pm and 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Andrew Torregrossa & Sons, Inc. Funeral Home
1305 79th Street · Brooklyn NY 11228

Parking is available under the building; it is elevator accessible.
There is parking across the street. You will have to walk up a flight of stairs to access the 1st floor of the funeral home.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Mass of Christian Burial – 10.00am

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church

2805 Fort Hamilton Parkway · Brooklyn NY 11218

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church will be live-streaming Br. Ralph’s funeral Mass.
Click here, and scroll down to the section “JOIN MASS ON-LINE.” Br. Ralph’s Mass broadcast should start at 10AM.

Interment – following

Holy Cross Cemetery
3620 Tilden Avenue · Brooklyn NY 11203

Brother Ralph died in the early hours of Friday morning.

The District of Eastern North America remembers Brother Ralph with memorial liturgies according to the tradition of the Institute. Through their prayers, communities and individuals entrust Brother Ralph to God’s loving care.

News Coverage of Brother’s Passing


Brooklyn NY
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School

Windsor ON

Providence RI
La Salle Academy

New York NY
Sacred Heart High School

Providence RI
La Salle Academy

Washington DC
Saint John’s College High School

New York NY
La Salle Academy

Oakdale NY
La Salle Military Academy

Washington DC
Archbishop Carroll High School

Pawtucket RI
Saint Raphael Academy

New York NY
La Salle Academy

Newark NJ
Archdiocese of Newark

Brooklyn NY
Diocese of Brooklyn