Dedicated Christian educator to head the largest private professional global education organization

Bimonte_rgbMarch 11, 2013 – Washington DC – As of 12 noon today, Brother Robert R. Bimonte, FSC, has accepted the top leadership position of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). As President of NCEA, Bimonte will be the key decision maker for the largest private professional education organization in the world, representing over 200,000 Catholic educators serving more than 7.5 million students in Catholic elementary and secondary schools, religious education programs, seminaries, and institutions of higher learning.

A Brother of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Christian Brother) for 35 years, Bimonte has served students and educators alike in almost every aspect of Catholic education. From his start as an elementary/middle school teacher at Good Shepherd School in New York City, Br. Robert’s work has always had an emphasis on mission. During his time in New York, as the Director of Religious Education for the Good Shepherd Church (1979-1981) Br. Robert redesigned and coordinated the parish religious education program for both English and Spanish speaking children and adults. He would take on a similar role with the Diocese of Syracuse (1981-84) coordinating the Religious Education programs for 53 parishes. Bimonte would become the Associate Principal for Christian Brothers Academy (a Christian Brothers school) for the next two years, directing academic affairs, and conducting spiritual development and formation programs for the CBA faculty, before returning to the Diocese of Syracuse. As the Assistant Superintendent (1986-92), Bimonte directed curriculum development, standardized testing programs, and staff development activities for 62 schools, while implementing and training teachers in Integrated Thematic Instruction and Brain-Compatible Learning. Br. Robert served on a larger scale as the Secretary of Education for the entire Christian Brothers’ Region, coordinating the educational activities of more than 80 ministries in the United States and parts of Canada. Bimonte would return to western New York in 1995 as the Superintendent of Catholic Education for the Buffalo Diocese, responsible for over 100 Catholic schools and 277 Religious Education programs, while instituting Teacher and Catechist Certification programs, and lead a Vision Process that resulted in the restructuring of the Diocesan Board of Catholic Education.

In September of 2002, Br. Robert joined the NECA as the Executive Director of the Elementary Schools Department, providing leadership and advocacy for more than 6,800 Catholic elementary schools. In July of 2012, Bimonte would be named Executive Vice President for the NCEA. Holding Bachelor’s degrees in Education and Psychology from NYU and a Masters in Religious Education from St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie, NY, Bimonte has conducted numerous retreats and workshops on a wide variety of topics, including collaborative learning, the power of myth, transformational leadership, and brain-compatible learning. His work in brain-compatible learning has been recognized by the Hewlett/Packard Foundation. Over his extensive career, Bimonte has served his own congregation’s Brothers and lay educators as a regular presenter for the Lasallian Leadership Institute, a formation and education program that provided knowledge of the Institute’s founding, as well as educational best practices.