Brother Colman Coogan, right, welcomes Brother Robert Schieler home to DENA after his 8 year term as Superior General (pictured at the District Assembly July 2022).
Washington, DC – Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, will be honored with Brother John Johnston, FSC Award for his significant contributions to the Lasallian mission. Brother Bob will receive the award during the opening session of the Huether Lasallian Conference on Thursday, November 17, 2022, in Baltimore, Maryland.
Established by the former Regional Education Board in 2009, the Johnston Award is now presented by the Lasallian Education Council (LEC). It was named in honor of Brother John, the 25th Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, for his uniquely significant lifetime contribution to the Lasallian mission. The Johnston Award recognizes Brothers and Lasallian Partners who, like Brother John, have endeavored on the international or Regional levels over the course of many years to advance the Institute’s mission to provide a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor. It is presented to those whose leadership, teaching, evangelization or scholarly research and writing have borne witness to an abiding faith and zeal, and whose efforts have had a transformative impact upon the founding story as lived today.
“Brother Robert’s selfless service to our Region and the global Lasallian community combined with his commitment to advancing and sustaining the Lasallian mission during an incredibly challenging period in our history is worth celebrating and recognizing,” said Dr. Kurt Schackmuth, LEC chair who serves as vice president for mission and associate provost for student success at Lewis University. “We are so grateful for his leadership, his inspiring example and his witness to the core principles of our Lasallian tradition.”
A Brother from the District of Eastern North America, Brother Bob recently completed eight years of service as Superior General (2014-2022), the third American, including Brother John, to serve in the role. Brother Bob previously served as General Councilor for the Lasallian Region of North America (2007-2014) and Visitor of the former Baltimore District (2001-2007). Before being appointed Visitor, Brother Bob was the director of education for the then-United States-Toronto Region. He also served as executive secretary for the former Regional Education Board and College Presidents Association. Before his years in District, Regional and Institute leadership, Brother Bob served as a missionary in the Philippines for 11 years and in a variety of administrative positions in schools in the United States.
Rev.Bro. Lasallian
Have a nice day……💐💐Happy…..