Coming from a family where Church and education were priorities, I was one of five brothers who attended De La Salle College (High School) in Toronto. As fate would have it, I accepted a job helping clean in the “Monk’s House”, which I kept all through secondary school. In retrospect, the foundation of my life was planted in the example of many fine men there. I had a rare view—not only of their love for teaching, but their devotion to prayer and to their faith, as well as the struggles some faced in maintaining this demanding life.

My first ten years after joining the Christian Brothers found me in several places and roles, until I came home to De La Salle in 1991, where I have been president since 2010. Our Brothers’ numbers here in Ontario have been decreasing, and for the past decade I have been the only Brother here not residing in the retirement community.  

After De La Salle withdrew from the publicly-funded Catholic school system in Ontario, serious minded Catholic teachers and families made up most of those who helped rebuild. I discovered that my role increasingly became one of trying to keep the mission vibrant and the sense of community alive. It is now my belief that those of us in consecrated life serve to be the key persons to invite others to this sense of belonging. We are the identifiable signs and witnesses of the Kingdom. Catholic schools are now gathering places for those who wish to follow the Lord as they learn and grow. We must continually remind ourselves that in and around this kind of sanctuary, all those who comprise it are called to help one another along the path to salvation. 

As our local numbers have declined, I have been personally fortunate to have wonderful support from all the Visitors and other Brothers in District roles. They have always made me feel supported and appreciated. I am grateful to them all.