“Like so many Brothers I know, I joined because of the Christian Brothers who taught me while a student at Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh PA,” says Br. Martin Zewe, FSC. “Those men inspired me. Little did I know what the next 60+ years would be like. Looking back, I would not trade them for anything.”

At eighty, Br. Martin is currently serving as a tutor at his beloved alma mater. “Whether serving as a teacher or moderator, he has always cared about each student’s spiritual and academic formation,” says Br. Edward Phelan, FSC. “He exemplifies La Salle’s meditation ‘You must have for the students the firmness of a father … [and] the tenderness of a mother …’ (Med 101.3).  The students know this, and seek him out when they return for a visit.”

Whether leading faculty retreats at various District schools, or hosting for the District’s Vocation Summits, Br. Martin has also been highly regarded in the Lasallian formation of educators and students.

“It was a pleasure to live with Br. Martin in Community and to teach with him at St. John’s College High School,” said Br. Mark Brown, FSC, “He served as director of our Community, ensuring that the community ran smoothly, and each brother felt comfortable, enjoying the experience of living together. He then was appointed director of La Salle Hall in Beltsville MD. Whenever I would visit the Community, it was evident that our senior Brothers were happy and well cared for.”

“Whether in a classroom, working with our elder Brothers, or offering guidance to students or Lasallian colleagues, I look back on the years with fondness and gratitude, says Br. Martin. “I realize what St. La Salle meant when he said ‘Do not have anxiety about the future. Leave everything in God’s hands for he will take care of you.’  He certainly has over these past 60 years.”