Brother Peter Bonventre, FSCAt ninety-three years old, I have been blessed by God with pretty good health, except for being quite deaf. Reading is one of the things I truly enjoy in my Community, De La Salle Brooklyn. I also enjoy dabbling in writing poetry. Back when I had the good fortune to be a teacher, English was my usual subject.

A graduate of St. Augustine’s High School in Brooklyn, I attribute my vocation to the Christian Brothers I met there. In those days, many young men were entering religious life, and I felt that working in education as a Brother would be a good fit for me. Seventy-five years later, I think I may have been right.

Although most of my ministry has been connected with Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School, I have served in other schools, including St. Raphael Academy in Pawtucket, where I was principal. But Loughlin pretty much defines me, having served three assignments here that have totaled more than forty years (so far).

This past year has been difficult for me. I guess I made the cut-off to be considered in the high-risk category for COVID-19. This means that I am not able to be with my kids in school. Before the pandemic, although “officially” retired, I worked helping students with college placement. The guidance office has been my home since 1985. It has been such a thrill to help these wonderful youngsters as they set their direction for the future. I truly miss being able to connect with them on a daily basis.

I had a wonderful honor on my 90th birthday, when the administration at Bishop Loughlin set up a scholarship in my name. I am overjoyed that deserving students will receive assistance with their tuition. I do believe however, that although named after me, this scholarship honors ALL the Brothers who have served at Bishop Loughlin.