Eatontown, NJ – Congratulations to Brother Robert Schieler who has been elected as one of the ten Superiors General of Men to participate in the synod Pope Francis’ convened for this coming October. The topic is “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment”. How terrific that our Lasallian voice will be heard by the bishops assembled for this synod. Congratulations Bob!
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Thats really great that you’re involved. I hope we can tie in outreach to families and meeting them in their homes and working with the entire family. Charlie Kitson, John Norton and I have all done this. This particularly is important with our most marginalized families who are most likely to be neglected by the system. The system wants to “cherry pick” the good ones and forget about the problem ones.
In the 2 years that I taught I was amazed how the Brothers would complain if a student was taken out of their class for counseling. When the student began failing final move was to throw the youngster out? That’s what I call cherry picking.