sylvesterMinerEulogy given by
Br. Vincent Hogan, FSC
Oct. 7, 2010

Brothers, Sisters, Fathers, family and friends – We gather here to celebrate Brother Sylvester’s life here on earth and his entrance into eternal life. It’s a time when we bid him good bye for ‘awhile’.

Let me begin with a quote from today’s first reading “As I look to the Day of Christ, you give cause to boast that I did not run the race in vain or work to no purpose.”
St. Paul

Perhaps it would not be out of place to say a little background regarding Brother’s early years.

Perhaps it would be proper to give a little sketch of Brother’s background. He was the second child of Nelson and Margaret Miner. He had an older brother John who became a Christian Brother, Brother Bonaventure. Two young brothers, Frank and Dan, sisters Marian and Sister Macrina. All are deceased except Dan who is present with us this morning. He grew up in a solid Christian family in the downtown area known as Cabbagetown, attended St. Paul’s school where he soon was recognized as a gifted student with a scholarly bent. It seemed only natufal for him to follow in the steps of his older brother John to the Brother’s Juniorate at Aurora. In 1940 he received the Brother’s habit and the name, Brother Sylvester.

Upon completion of his formation and certification, he began his teaching career at St. Helen’s School. At the same time he began university studies at the University of Toronto. Thus began a life of teaching, study and prayer. It is likely he was inspired by his older brother’s application that both received graduation degrees from the University by correspondence study.

It is my suspicion that Brother Sylvester had a hand in the establishing of a junior secondary school at St. Paul’s when De La Salle Bond closed. In any event it became the scene of his labours for over ten years. Teachers who received these students in the upper grades of high school noted two things; they knew how to study, they were well prepared.

I’d like to close with words that I suggest that Brother Sylvester used for himself and his students: “Work with anxious concern to achieve your salvation. It is God who………
St. Paul – Philippians

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of
Br. Sylvester Miner, FSC

Born Edmund James Miner in Toronto, Ontario, CANADA on February 23, 1923

Entered the Aurora Juniorate on September 1, 1936, and Aurora Novitiate on September 15, 1940

Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Sylvester, on December 7, 1940

Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Aurora, Ontario, CANADA on August 18, 1948

Brother Sylvester died at La Salle Manor, Scarborough, Ontario CANADA on October 3, 2010


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Viewing from 2:00-6:00 pm and 7:00-9:00 pm
La Salle Manor
61 Fairfax Crescent
Scarborough, Ontario CANADA M1L 1Z7

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 am
Burial at Holy Cross Cemetery, Toronto

La Salle Manor
61 Fairfax Crescent
Scarborough, Ontario CANADA M1L 1Z7


District: 100 masses
La Salle Manor community: 30 masses
Each community in the District: 1 mass

Brother Sylvester died peacefully at La Salle Manor after suffering a slight stroke. He was alert up until the time of his death. May he rest in peace.

Tour of Duty

Toronto, Ontario
St. Helen’s Parochial School

Oaklands, Toronto, ON
De La Salle College

Toronto, Ontario
St. Paul’s Middle School

Doctoral Student
Notre Dame, IN
University of Notre Dame

London, Ontario
King’s College

Scarborough, Ontario
La Salle Manor


May the soul of Brother Sylvester, and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.