District Council Member

tom-zoppoBrother Thomas Zoppo, acknowledged as among the very best of DENA’s high school administrators, is guided by a real concern for each of the 1200 young men attending Calvert Hall College.  He came to ‘The Hall’ three years ago from a highly successful principalship at Christian Brothers Academy, Syracuse, NY.  This followed five years as Academic Advisor and Recruiter for the School of Engineering at Manhattan College where he was rightly credited with increased recruitment and improved retention.

Everywhere he has served, his energy, dedication, intelligence, and competence have been widely recognized and acclaimed.  Tom understands every facet of an efficient and effective high school and their interconnectedness; all of which is needed to ensure overall programmatic excellence, while being attentive to the needs of each individual student.   In addition, at ‘The Hall’, he has provided the vision and commitment to enhance the school and lead it to new heights.