Rome, Italy – Pope Francis formally recognized that Brother Victorino Arnaud Pages, who dedicated his life to establishing schools and alumni associations in the United States and the Caribbean, lived the Christian virtues in a holy way. The Decree on the “heroic virtues,” approved by Pope Francis Saturday April 6, 2003 raised our Brother of French origin but who lived for 50 years in Cuba, to the rank of Venerable.

Soon after he joined to the Brothers of the Christian Schools, due to the expulsion of the religious from France at the beginning of the 20th century, he was forced to go into exile. This  was in 1905. From Montreal, Canada, where he had first taken refuge with many others, he offered to go and found new schools in Cuba. This Caribbean island welcomed him and it was there that he worked from 1905 until 1961. He was the founder of the La Salle Association in 1919, the male and female Catholic Action in 1928, the Catholic University Hostel in 1946 and of the Catholic Family Movement in 1953.

Exiled a second time, this time from Cuba by the dictator Fidel Castro in 1961, he spent his remaining energy trying to reorganize the various associations he founded among Cubans scattered in New York, Miami and other Caribbean countries. He established several La Salle Alumni Associations in New York and Miami as well as Puerto Rico, where he lived for five years before his death in 1966, dying in San Juan on April 16.