On Friday, October 9 and Saturday, October 12 the Brothers in Initial Formation from RELAN gathered for their bi-annual retreat weekend. This virtual experience was a first for this group of Brothers. The gathering was hosted by DENA and each of the four sessions moderated by one of the four DENA Brothers in initial formation. Conversation was rich, focusing on “Reimagining Our Life as Brothers”, experiences of formation and postulancy, and ways to help make the Brothers and our vocation more visible.

The Called to Rise Initiative (Promotes our life to men in their 20’s and 30’s) recently released a new promotional video. Please click to view. A big thank you to Michael Andrejko and Ed Shields as well as interviewees Steven Barbaro, Anthony Baginski, and James Corcoran (residential Contact @ Central Catholic) for making this video a reality. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit touches the minds and hearts of those who view it and inspires their continued discernment as Brothers of the Christian Schools.