Brothers in Initial Formation from around the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN)

Russian River, CA – Brothers Paul Avvento, Steven Barbaro, David Deradoorian, JD Macioce, and Kyle Mena joined nine Brothers in initial formation from the Midwest and San Francisco New Orleans Districts. Their fall retreat was held at the Russian River in Duncans Mills, California from Thursday, November 8 to Sunday, November 11. The group totaled 14 and was facilitated by Charlie Legendre (SFNO Mission & Ministry). These Brothers listened, prayed, reflected, and discussed “Being Brother in the Young Church Today.” They were joined by Brothers Richard Galvin, Thomas Johnson, and James Joost. Fr. La Salle Hallissey, OP served as chaplain for the weekend. Celebrity chefs who kept all well fed were Br. David Caretti and Cyndi Stanfield. This group of Brothers in initial formation will meet again at Ocean Rest in February.

Thank you! Your daily prayers for vocations are greatly appreciated, especially on the 25th of each month,” said Br. Richard Galvin, DENA’s Auxiliary Visitor. “Our Brothers in initial formation benefit from your prayers and support. They appreciate and thank you for remembering them each day. Let us continue to find ways to keep vocation promotion front and center, alive and well, in our communities and ministries.”

Go to the San Francisco New Orleans website for more details >

photos by and courtesy of Br. James Joost, FSC