Puerto Rico – During September, Brothers Paul Joslin and John McGann had the opportunity to witness the commitment of many members of the Lasallian family in our two Lasallian schools in Puerto Rico in the cities of Bayamón and Añasco. “The devastation wrought by Hurricane María is still evident, yet the spirit of the people inspirational”, commented Brother Paul.
Brother Paul reports that “hearing lots of stories of Hurricane María first hand was sad, but fortunately, many Puertorriqueños seem to be hopeful, resilient people.” The accompanying photo shows Brother Paul with Brother Guillermo Nicoechea – director general of Colegio de La Salle in Bayamón.
Brother John adds, “The Brothers, administrators and staff at both schools gave Paul and me a very warm welcome. Their dedication, professionalism and concern for the students entrusted to their care was very evident as we spent time meeting with staff and students during our time there. Further, I was deeply impressed by the resiliency, stamina and determination which they exhibited while dealing with the aftermath of Maria. Many who were without electricity for 79 days up to four months and also without water during parts of that time still were ready to teach and accompany their students during those trying times. In light of this, I left with a deep hope for the future of the Lasallian presence in Puerto Rico.”
I was a postulant in Ammendale, Maryland in the summer of 1965, when brother Paul was a novice. We kept in touch for several years, and I would love to leave him a message. Just to let him know that I am retired in Richmond Virginia and just celebrated 47 years of priestly ministry. Read the great article about Paul, And just wanted to extend my thoughts and prayers. Many thanks. God bless and take care. Fred Feusahrens.
Fr. Fred I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak with you. Contact me at tlee@tcc.edu. Tom Lee