The Leadership Team of the San Francisco New Orleans District.


Napa, CA – Br. Donald Johanson, FSC, and Br. James Joost, FSC, have been reappointed Visitor and Auxiliary Visitor, respectively, of the Lasallian District of San Francisco New Orleans.

Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, Superior General of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, has informed Brother Donald Johanson, FSC, that he will be appointed to a second four-year term as Visitor of the District of San Francisco New Orleans.

Brother Donald’s reappointment follows the completed nomination process held by the District and the review of results and recommendation by the Institute’s General Council.

Brother Donald has served as Visitor of SFNO since the District was inaugurated on July 1, 2014.  Prior to that, he was Visitor of the District of San Francisco from 2011 until 2014.

In a letter to the District of San Francisco New Orleans sent out after the new year, Br. Donald quotes the Superior General in his formal appointment of Br. James:

“In your role you are Brother Donald’s closest collaborator. I appreciate your fraternal support of Donald and the faithful and zealous way you attend to matters that he
entrusts to you. Thank you, Jim, for your willingness to continue in Di strict leadership. I assure you of my fraternal support and a frequent remembrance in my prayers.”

Brother Donald would go on to write:

“I echo Brother Superior’s confidence in Brother James and take this opportunity to thank him publically for accepting his appointment as Auxiliary Visitor. He has been a significant support to me during his terms of Auxiliary Visitor of the San Francisco District and as Auxiliary Visitor of the San Francisco New Orleans District. I look forward to continuing our collaboration and service to the District during our next term.”

Many blessings to these Brothers and the entire leadership team of SFNO!