ISYL-2014“Building Hope Together” will inspire and motivate more than 40 Young Lasallians (Adolescents and young adults connected to the Lasallian Educational Mission) during their meeting at the Generalate in Rome, from February 9th through 15th.  This will be the third International Symposium of Young Lasallians hosted by the Institute since 2002.  It is also the last major international gathering of Lasallians that will offer its insights to the 45th General Chapter beginning in April.

The Symposium will bring together current students, volunteers, teachers, administrators, young Brothers, Lasallian Youth moderators and pastoral animators from the five Regions of the Institute to discuss the role of young people in the Lasallian Educational Mission and its future.  Mr. Matthew Keough, Math Teacher and Lasallian Animator from Christian Brothers Academy-Syracuse, and Mrs. Sarah Laitinen, Sixth-Grade Teacher and Lasallian Youth Moderator from the San Miguel School of Providence, will represent our District as part of RELAN’s delegation.

Check out Matt’s blog post, here >

Check out Sarah’s blog post, here >

Their work will be organized around three themes:

  1. Vocational Growth: Personal, Professional, Spiritual Development.
  2. Lasallian Educational Mission: Service of the Poor
  3. Lasallian Educational Mission: Pedagogy and Curriculum

We invite all members of the worldwide Lasallian Family to keep these delegates and this Symposium in their prayers over the coming week, and follow our delegates through the Region’s blog, with daily updates and reflections. Keep your eye on social media too, as Young Lasallians will be posting photos and news!

May the Spirit open their eyes wider, touch their hearts deeper and guide their work more zealously.  May the Spirit helps us all remember that we are only instruments in God’s hand, attending to God’s work, as it unfolds in God’s time.