Lewis UniversityCalled to Be Brothers

July 15 – 20, 2012

Father Bernard J. Lee, S.M., PhL., ThD.

Father Bernard J. Lee, S.M., PhL., ThD.

Professor of Theology at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, TX

Monday, July 16th

pdf document Address


Sister Mary Sujita Kallupurakkuthu, S.N.D.

Sister Mary Sujita Kallupurakkuthu, S.N.D.

Former Superior General of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Patna, India

Tuesday, July 17th

pdf document Address



Brother Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, FSC

Brother Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, FSC

Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools

Wednesday, July 18th

pdf document Address

pdf document Questions
