Seven young men discerning their vocation with Christian Brothers Arturo and Carlos

Brothers Arturo and Carlos flank the seven men that attended the Called To Rise gathering.

Narragansett, RI – On Thursday, June 13, 2019, alums from St. Raphael Academy, Pawtucket, and San Miguel School, Providence, gathered at Christian Brothers Center to find out more about the Brothers’ vocation. A committee of teachers, campus ministers and Brothers from La Salle Academy, Providence, St. Raphael and San Miguel planned the evening.

The evening opened with a prayer service prepared by Brothers Lawrence Goyette and Arturo Martinez. Presentations were made by Brothers Edward Shields, Fred Mueller, Lawrence Goyette and Carlos Pinto-Corredor.

Ms. Caroline Aldrich and Mr. Irving Ogando, members of the committee, were present for the evening. After presentations, the Brothers’ community invited all to have dinner with them. Other Lasallians and Brothers including Ms. Elissa Cerros, Ms. Maryann Donohue-Lynch, Brothers Ralph Bucci, Kevin Junk, Peter Nguyen, and Michael Shubnell joined joined the group for coffee hour and more discussion and sharing.

The evening was well received by participants, and plans are in the works for future events.