Eatontown, NJ – The Office for Vocations of The District of Eastern North America kicked of this academic year putting out a call to all Lasallian Educators to aid in vocation promotion, and invites you to encourage a young man to think about his vocation, especially to the Brothers.



As part of the Vision 2020+ Strategic Plan, we look to “embolden all Lasallians to take an intentional role in the promotion of a culture of vocations to the Brothers of the Christian Schools.” The Brother Vocation Directors focused on developing and offering “formation and orientation programs . . . for teachers, counselors, . . . chief administrators . . that focuses on vocation promotion as well as information/explanation pertaining to discerning a vocation to the Brothers of the Christian Schools.”

In this video, Brother Francis Eells, FSC, invites you to consider speaking with a young man about his vocation, and also provides a helpful tip card to help guide you in conversation. As the #ManInBlackTour criss-crosses the District, speaking with young men in your ministries about vocations, and a possible vocation to religious life, you could be that next trusted Lasallian to help a young man to continue thinking about what God may be calling him to!