Baltimore, MD – Calvert Hall College High School announced the Board of Trustees in consultation with District of Eastern North America Brothers of the Christian Schools have selected Dr. Thomas Smyth, Sr., MD, ’77 to serve as the Chairman of the Board.

Dr. Smyth, Class of 1977, replaces Mr. Frank Bramble, Sr., Class of 1966, whose term as Chairman has concluded. The change in leadership will be effective July 1, 2016. “It’s been my honor to serve as Board Chair, and I thank Brother John and my fellow trustees for their outstanding service. Tom Smyth cares deeply about Calvert Hall. He has had a tremendous positive impact on our young men and our faculty. He will be an outstanding Chair who will lead our Board to new levels of excellence,” says Bramble.

Dr. Smyth has been a board member since 2011. He has served as the Chair of the Advancement Committee and was the co-chair of Calvert Hall’s Answer the Call Capital Campaign. He was inducted into Calvert Hall’s Alumni Hall of Fame in 2013. He voiced,

“It will be an honor to serve Calvert Hall in this capacity. I am excited to lead a remarkable group of Trustees, an innovative team of high quality administrative leaders and a talented and dedicated faculty. The Hall captures everything that is great about Baltimore: providing a Catholic, faith based environment in which a great melting pot of young men of diverse academic, artistic, athletic and socioeconomic backgrounds are forged into alumni who are prepared to lead remarkably productive lives of service and innovation on a local, regional, national and even international level. I am lucky and blessed to have the opportunity to help preserve and enhance the Cardinal legacy. Go Hall!”

Earlier this month, Dr. Smyth was named President and Chief Executive Officer of the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center.

Brother John Kane, FSC, President of Calvert Hall College High School commented, “We have been blessed at Calvert Hall to have had Frank Bramble serve as our Board Chair and previously as President. Frank’s leadership and passion for Calvert Hall are quite evident. He will be missed, but we know he will stay connected. At the same time, we are excited to have Dr. Smyth step into this leadership position. He has been an active member of the Board recently serving as Vice Chair. Frank and Tom are wonderful examples of Lasallian men who give so much back to The Hall and the Community. We wish Frank the best of luck and proudly welcome Tom as Board Chair.”