Brothers Dennis Malloy (left) and John Kane flank the newest Affiliated members to the Institute John Thaler and Augie Miceli, Sr.

Mr. Augustine F. Miceli, Sr. & John P. Thaler Honored

Towson, MD – On Saturday, September 19, 2015  the Christian Brothers Community at Calvert Hall College formally acknowledged Mr. Augustine F. Miceli, Sr. and Mr. John P. Thaler as affiliated members of the Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools. This is the highest honor to be bestowed upon a lay colleague by the Christian Brothers. The liturgy was held in the Marion Burk Knott Center followed by a reception in the Paul A. Russo Dining Hall. During the liturgy, Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC, Provincial / Visitor of the District of the Eastern North America presented the Letters of Affiliation to Mr. Miceli, Sr. and Mr. Thaler.

This honor recognizes a lifelong and extraordinary commitment to the mission of the Brothers. The letters of affiliation are presented with the endorsement of the Brothers’ District Office and the Superior General in Rome.

Mr. Miceli is in his 55th year at Calvert Hall College High School. He teaches mathematics. He served as the Athletic Director for three years and was the head varsity football coach from 1974-1988. During that time, his teams won 101 games and 6 M.S.A championships. He was named Coach of the Year four times. Mr. Thaler, taught advanced placement and general mathematics courses at Calvert Hall for 46 years (1969-2015). In addition, he was the mathematics department chair. He is well known for his wit and wisdom.

With the awarding of the letters of affiliation, Mr. Miceli and Mr. Thaler join fellow Calvert Hall affiliate members Mr. Frank Clary, Mrs. Shirley Clary, and Mr. Louis Heidrick.

An on campus photo of the new AFSCs.

An on campus photo of the new AFSCs.

Calvert Hall President, Brother John Kane, FSC, commented,

“The Christian Brothers have long worked side by side with lay colleagues who share the passion for the mission of Lasallian education. At Calvert Hall, we are extremely proud of our excellent and dedicated faculty. Augie Miceli and John Thaler are wonderful models of Lasallian education and have combined for 100 years of educating young men here at The Hall. Their faith-filled commitment to their students and their teaching represent the best of what our profession is all about. Thousands of Calvert Hall men have benefitted from teacher-student relationships established with Augie and John. They are both math teachers, but they are life teachers as well. We are proud and it is with great joy we now call them, “Brother Augie” and “Brother John.”