Residents of De La Salle Hall enjoyed a surprise visit this spring from Roxxy, a therapy pony.
The Institute of The Brothers of the Christian Schools gives each of its Lasallian Districts around the world the ministry of direct care and support for elder and infirm Brothers within their District. The Districts also directly support their Brothers as they navigate health needs, insurance, and other issues. This is definitely a ministry of love, as those in need of support have not only been co-workers or colleagues, but housemates, mentors, trainers, spiritual guides, and essentially family to the Brothers overseeing their care.

Br. Bud Knight, FSC, Assistant Visitor, joins Brothers at La Salle Hall, Beltsville MD, on March 17, 2022, for a Saint Patrick’s Day celebration.
One of the most common questions that is asked by Lasallians throughout the District of Eastern North America (DENA) is, “Are our older Brothers being well taken care of?” The answer is yes, but this is definitely not a simple answer as each Brother, whether in care or not, is treated as an individual, with individual needs and circumstances.
With the merger in 2009 of three smaller Districts into DENA, we broadened the scope of Christian Brother Care Communities available to our Brothers. Since then, we have continued to make additions, program shifts, and administrative changes to better serve current needs. With the average age of our Brothers continuing to rise, this network has become even more valuable. Let’s look at the continuum of care available to our beloved Brothers.
De La Salle Hall, Lincroft NJ
While originally conceived as a senior care

After giving a presentation about senior Brothers’ health needs at the annual Community Directors Retreat, Ms. Joan Healey, RN, District Healthcare Coordinator, chats with Br. Robert Hazard, FSC, Community Director of Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett RI.
Community, over the decades De La Salle Hall has grown and developed into our District’s fully licensed skilled nursing care center. This thirty-two bed facility has several times been awarded top ratings in the field. It is available to Brothers from across the District who need more intensive medical care. One big advantage for our Brothers—as with each of the programs listed below—is that in addition to the professional services provided, De La Salle Hall is run as a Brothers’ Community, providing the spiritual and personal support associated with being a Brother.
La Salle Hall, Beltsville MD
For Brothers who do not need full medical care, but rather need some assistance, La Salle Hall is our Brothers Care Community. With a nurse on staff Monday through Friday, and doctors associated with the house who are available when needed, La Salle Hall provides a supportive Community for our Brothers.

At Presentation Manor in Toronto, congratulations to Brs. Francis McCrea, Nicholas Zimrose, and George Edwards, who will celebrate their 75th Jubilee as Brothers this year.
Presentation Manor, Toronto ON
Realizing the increasing numbers of elderly Religious men and women in Ontario and increasing healthcare needs, about eight years ago the Brothers decided to collaborate with several other Religious Orders. They helped create Presentation Manor, a not-for-profit independent and assisted living facility. Presentation Manor endeavors to provide physical, social, mental, and spiritual care to its residents—both Religious and laity. Currently, we have eight Christian Brothers living at Presentation Manor along with more than one hundred other Priests, Brothers, and Sisters. Our Brothers maintain their own Community connection with other Brothers living there, while also sharing in spiritual and social life with other residents. Special Note: This year, three of our Brothers at Presentation Manor are celebrating together their 75th Jubilee year as Brothers.
Christian Brothers Center, Narragansett RI (CBC)
Formerly a Novitiate and Provincialate office for the former Long Island-New England District (which was merged into DENA), CBC is now home to Ocean Tides (a residential school for court adjudicated youths), and to a retreat/event center. It is also Community to both retired and active Brothers. This senior friendly Community has accessible facilities, as well as a part-time nurse and a part-time aide/driver on staff. Each retired Brother has the chance to support the educational ministry through opportunities such as a “big-brother” type relationship with the students on campus.
Anselm Hall, Philadelphia PA
Realizing the rising age of our Brothers, and to be good stewards in the care of our Brothers, DENA decided a few years ago to build Anselm Hall. Located on the campus of La Salle University in a fairly central location in Philadelphia, Anselm Hall is designed for senior Brothers who are still active in external ministries. The Building is a senior-friendly design, completely accessible, with wider doors, en-suite bathrooms, some ADA compliant rooms, and more space for movement in common areas.

Christian Brothers Center Community opens their chapel to the public for all of their Community Masses.
Office of Senior Health & Vitality
In addition to the wonderful living options presented above, DENA has taken additional steps to ensure that all Brothers have the best experience of aging possible. Therefore, our leadership team named Br. Jules “Bud” Knight, FSC, to a newly created position of Assistant Visitor to accompany senior Brothers living in Community whose health status is changing. Br. Bud works closely with Ms. Joan Healy, RN, the District Healthcare Coordinator. Together, they form the District’s Office of Senior Health & Vitality which focuses on the pastoral and health care needs of seniors.
On a District level, the Office of Senior Health & Vitality works with a network of DENA nurses who are assigned to individual communities or to geographical areas. They meet several times per year as an association. On a Community level, each Brother is under the direct care of the Community Director and nurse, and assisted by the Assistant Visitor and Healthcare Coordinator. As a team they monitor the Brother’s well-being and appropriateness for a mission-active Community. Since Brothers desire to live in apostolic Communities, our goal is to keep a Brother in his Community as long as he is safe, his needs are being met, and his health care does not become the Community’s focus of concern.
The health and welfare of our Brothers is important to the District of Eastern North America, and is one of the main priorities funded by gifts to DENA. We thank all of you who support the Brothers. Please pray with us for the continued health and safety of these fine men.