Lasallian Global Women’s Symposium
Auckland, New Zealand

There was certainly an air of expectation as we gathered for our last session together. The organizing committee had been working diligently to capture the thoughts and inspiration of the participants and to craft our work into proposals that we could seek consensus on.

Tracy Adams skillfully presented each proposal, called for discussion and then moved to consensus. There was robust discussion as each proposal made its way to the screen resulting in a quick consensus or additional time for explanation and meaning of the proposal. 

 Symposium Outcomes: resolved to be formally prepared and submitted to Brother Superior and the General Council for endorsement.

  1. The establishment of an International Women’s Council that will craft a Mission Statement and clear direction for the implementation of the Symposium outcomes. There will be an appointment of a person to guide this in the short term.
  2. Remain faithful to the Mission by bringing to life the commitments, aims and directions already contained in our Institute’s documents. (i.e. Works of the 45th General Chapter)
  3. Engagement with local/District and Regional Groups that will work within existing structures.
  4. To ensure an inclusive and collective voice, gender parity in leadership and representation with concrete policies to ensure its implementation. This needs to be done with cultural sensitivity and is not in anyway meant to be adversarial.
  5. Effective communications, bot virtual and traditional, to inform, engage and include ALL Lasallians.
  6. Local/District and Regional Mentoring programs via a variety of structures (technological and face t face) tailored to meet the individual’s needs.
  7. Personal commitment of all the delegated to share this experience, and the knowledge and outcomes with their Lasallian community on returning home.

It was a privilege to be present at the Symposium, I am grateful  of Brother Dennis Malloy and District leadership. 

Moving forward

In Brother Bob Schieler’s closing remarks he encouraged those present not to “wait for Rome . . . the mission is alive and in many unexpected places.”

He continued “the responsibility that I and the Council has is to acknowledge new life and this Symposium has been an example of new life.  We have to be creative in trying to determine what are the structures best for today-the charism is growing beyond the confines of a religious congregation. I ask you to continue to think what are the structures needed?  Collectively, I hope we can walk into the new structures for the 21st century.”

Brother Bob noted that we should move forward with the implementation of several of these outcomes, especially at the local level. 

To implement Outcome #7 there will be online listening sessions conducted over the next few months concluding with a presentation at the Huether conference. Additionally, there will be webinars on the Symposium held during the month of September. Information will be on the DENA webpage.
