The Br. Charles Kitson Institute for Formation of Lasallian Volunteers

Washington, DC - Lasallian Volunteers has announced the Brother Charles [...]

May 25th, 2017|All News, Brothers, District, Featured News, Regional|Comments Off on The Br. Charles Kitson Institute for Formation of Lasallian Volunteers

Walking Hand in Hand for Twinning with Brother Ghebreyesus

Br. Ghebreyesus invites the young men of Central Catholic [...]

May 25th, 2017|All News, Brothers, District, Featured News, International, Regional, Schools, Twinning|Comments Off on Walking Hand in Hand for Twinning with Brother Ghebreyesus

Br. Anthony Baginski Professes Perpetual Vows on Founder’s Feast Day

Brother Anthony professes perpetual vows before Brother Visitor, Dennis [...]

May 15th, 2017|All News, Brothers, District, Featured News, Schools|Comments Off on Br. Anthony Baginski Professes Perpetual Vows on Founder’s Feast Day

Message from the Superior General for Founder’s Feast Day – May 15th

Superior General - Br. Robert Schieler, FSC Signs [...]

May 12th, 2017|All News, Brothers, District, Featured News, International, Vocation|Comments Off on Message from the Superior General for Founder’s Feast Day – May 15th

Higher Ed Lasallians Gather to Discuss Racial Justice, Diversity, and Inclusion

Long Branch, NJ - During the January 2017 intercession, seventeen (17) [...]

January 16th, 2017|All News, Associative Groups, Brothers, District, Featured News, International, Schools|Comments Off on Higher Ed Lasallians Gather to Discuss Racial Justice, Diversity, and Inclusion
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