Lasallian Animators Gathering
District's Association for Mission Committee conducts mini-conference for over 35 [...]
District's Association for Mission Committee conducts mini-conference for over 35 [...]
March, 2013 - This past March, Br. Micahel Reis, FSC, [...]
CBA students look on as sophomores Alexander Jones (Oswego) [...]
March 27, 2013 - In only its second year of [...]
5 Catholic High Schools participated: La Salle Academy, St. Raphael [...]
In the photo series above, students work on replicating [...]
Sone Angubokul, who is from Thailand, performs a traditional [...]
Students and Educators from all over the Region Marched for [...]
1/17/13 - San Diego, CA — Recently, six La Salle [...]
RI Lasallians commit themselves to the educational mission 11/27/12 - [...]
10/17/12 - Albany, NY – Congratulations to Music teacher and [...]
Dedication of Kestler Hall / Induction into the Archdiocesan Hall [...]
Lasallian students come together for discussion and reflection in the [...]
Alan Outeiral was Nominated to Attend Week-Long Government Workshop in [...]
“The Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the [...]