Brother Dennis Malloy to Succeed Brother Thomas Gerrow as President of La Salle Academy

provided by Mr. Drew Lagace – La Salle Academy   [...]

January 23rd, 2019|All News, Brothers, District, Featured News, Schools|Comments Off on Brother Dennis Malloy to Succeed Brother Thomas Gerrow as President of La Salle Academy

RI LAYFS Ministries Celebrate Passing of Juvenile Justice Legislation

After years of advocacy from Rhode Island organizations including our [...]

December 19th, 2018|All News, Associative Groups, District, Featured News, Regional, Schools|Comments Off on RI LAYFS Ministries Celebrate Passing of Juvenile Justice Legislation

Manhattan College to Host Imagination, Inquiry and Innovation Institute in March

Learn more about the I-4 Conference Riverdale, NY [...]

December 10th, 2018|All News, Programs & Events, Regional, Schools|Comments Off on Manhattan College to Host Imagination, Inquiry and Innovation Institute in March

The Distinguished Lasallian Educators Awarded at Huether 2018

The District's Distinguished Lasallian Educators were awarded at the [...]

November 14th, 2018|All News, Brothers, District, Featured News, Lasallian Spotlight, Regional, Schools, Vocation|Comments Off on The Distinguished Lasallian Educators Awarded at Huether 2018
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