011415 Lego Robotis

The Christian Brothers Academy Lego Robotics team includes front row (left to right): Andrew Goldberg of Fayetteville, Guy Germain of Cazenovia, Tommy Fletcher of Fayetteville, Max Lewis of Liverpool, Nick Merola of Brewerton, Conlan Rourke of Fayetteville. Back row: Zach Kinnally of Brewerton, Matthew Buck of Syracuse, and Bailey Taffner of Cicero.


The Christian Brothers Academy Lego Robotics team recently won the “Teamwork” Award for their display of cooperation and respect for each other at the regional championship at SUNY-Polytechnic in Utica.

This is the third year in a row the Brothers have won an award at the regional championship.

The team had a successful day, being judged on their research project (“How to teach someone how to tie a tie and bow-tie”), as well as for their robot design, core values, and the robot games.

The award recognizes a team that is able to accomplish more together than they could as individuals through shared goals, strong communication, effective problem solving and excellent time management.

In addition, senior Margaret Conan once again won the “Young Adult Mentor” award for her work in coaching the Holy Cross FLL team. This is the second year in a row that she has won this award.

The Lego Robotics team consists of seventh and eighth graders.