CBA-Cardboard-CityOn September 26, 2014, while most of Monmouth County’s residents slept in their beds, more than 100 people slept in Cardboard Box City on the grounds of Monmouth Church of Christ in Tinton Falls. Forty Christian Brothers Academy (CBA) students participated in this night of solidarity for the homeless, which raised more than $14,000 for Family Promise of Monmouth County – the only non-profit organization specifically helping shelter homeless families.

The night, which began at 5 p.m. with set up, a soup and bread line for dinner, featured guest speakers, live music, kids activities, and concluded with breakfast the following morning at 6 a.m.  Family Promise of Monmouth County awarded prizes to Holmdel United Church of Christ for the organization that displayed the most creative dwelling and to CBA for the group that raised the most funds. (photo from Atlantic Highlands Herald)

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