From the article in the Trenton Monitor by Mary Stadnyk, Associate Editor

From left, Brother Nicholas Dolan and Rev. Messrs. Christopher Dayton and Michael DeSaye return to their alma mater, Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft, to assist in the 2018 Baccalaureate Mass celebrated May 23 by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. Also pictured is Christian Brother Frank Byrne, CBA president. – photo by Joe Moore
Trenton, NJ – Moments after the June 2 Mass of Ordination in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, had concluded, Christian Brother Frank Byrne, president of Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft, and Christian Brother Ralph Montedoro happily reflected on the blessing of having three CBA graduates receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders from Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M.
“It’s great for the school to know that three of our [former] students were ordained today,” said Brother Frank, noting that he knew Father Nicholas Dolan when he was a student at CBA, but Father Christopher Dayton and Father Michael De Saye had already graduated by the time he arrived to the school nine years ago.
“It’s special for our school,” Brother Frank said. “It speaks well of Catholic education in general that the school helped plant the seed in the young men along with their families to nurture and grow into ordination today.”
Brother Ralph, the school’s executive vice president, said it was a privilege to be present for the ordination and that he was honored knowing that the CBA community had played a part in the men’s priestly journeys.
“They were typical CBA young boys who we helped to nurture,” he said.
“Who would have known they would have gone on to pursue the seminary? [God] touched their lives and called them, and they said ‘yes’ to the call,” he said.
Father DeSaye also remarked on how his CBA education helped inspire his vocation, saying, “They laid a good foundation in Catholic morals and Catholic culture, which I think is fundamental to anyone who is going to discern a priestly vocation.”
For the full story, visit the Trenton Monitor >
For photo galleries from the Ordination, click here, here, and here.
To learn more about each of the CBA alums, check out this article by the Asbury Park Press >