Ten Christian Brothers Academy students attended the New York State Theatre Education Association Drama Conference in Calicoon, NY recently.

CBA students that attended the New York State Theatre Education Association Drama Conference were: Bridget Cain, Christine-Caroyln Calimlim, Molly Sweeney, Molly Reff, Camille Cady-McCrae. Back row (l-r): Emily Rivito, David Siegel, faculty member Eugene Moretti, Brennan Carman and Ian Smith. Absent from photo is Alison Croucher.
The conference created an opportunity for approximately 800 high school students from all over New York State to come together for a full weekend of learning and peer interaction. The students attended workshops given by colleges, universities and other theatre professionals. They also had an opportunity to network with one another and experience a variety of performances throughout the conference.
The New York State Theatre Education Association, a strong, statewide organization of theatre educators, promotes and supports theatre education for students in grades pre-K through 12.
For the Student Conference delegates, this conference is a highlight of their high school career. In the over 100 workshop offerings, students received expert instruction in technical theatre, acting, dance and voice. Meeting and sharing interests with other similarly minded students from every region of the state is paramount in working collaboratively, gaining self-confidence and exploring new areas of learning.
This is the seventh year that CBA has sent representatives to the NYSTEA Student Conference.