Fayetteville, NY – A number of Christian Brothers Academy students volunteered at Camp Alverna in Fayetteville this summer.

Camp Alverna is a day camp, which takes place for five days in August. It offers children from the city of Syracuse an opportunity to connect with God’s creation and learn about nature, peacemaking and caring for the earth. The camp is free of charge and provides children with a chance to meet new friends, participate in outdoor activities, do nature crafts and have fun.

Volunteers of all ages from teens to senior citizens plan and execute the activities. All activities are infused with the Franciscan value of caring for the earth. Each day the children participate in four morning activities such as conflict resolution, a nature craft (making bird houses), an outdoor activity (i.e. pond ecology), and swimming. The afternoon includes a special event (storyteller, African drummer, birds of prey) and more swimming. The children are given a nutritious breakfast and lunch prepared by the volunteers.

The camp is funded by donations. Schools in the area held dress down days with the proceeds going to the camp. Individuals can send a child to camp for a donation of $50.

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Caption: Sister Margaret Patrick Fay, Administrator at Camp Alverna; Rosalee Winderl, Clare Pierret, Anna Schug, James McGlynn, Anna Do, Webb Little, Tony Do, Anthony Santaro, Brianna Delaney, Christine-Carolyn Calimlim, Trevor Dugas, Stephen Predmore. Missing from photo: Brett VanPatten and Jacob VanPatten.