Students named to All-County Band, Orchestra and Chorus include: (front row 1-r): Brennan Carman, Emery Lawrence, Chris Torell, Rachel Tanguay, Hannah Kang, Geoffrey Parkes, and Elliott Lawrence. Back Row: Regina Dziergas, Breanna Delaney, Shannon Fitch, Josh Popp, Sam Lim, Philip Parkes, Keith Huynh and Ethan Tanguay

Shannon Fitch and Josh Popp qualified for the Area All-State Festival.
1/7/13 – DeWitt, NY— Fifteen CBA junior and senior high school students were named to Onondaga County Band, Orchestra and Chorus.
Every school in the county, both public and private, send students to auditions, which include performing two prepared pieces of varying styles, playing musical scales from memory, as well as playing a “sight-reading” piece in front of an adjudicator. Students can qualify for one of the All-County ensembles, Band, Chorus and Orchestra.
The following students were accepted to the Jr. High (grades 7-9) All-County Band: Regina Dziergas, Chris Torell and Elliott Lawrence. Students accepted to the Jr. High All-County Chorus include: Brennan Carman, Ethan Tanguay and Rachel Tanguay. Jr. High All-County Orchestra students include: Geoffrey Parkes and Hannah Kang.
The following students qualified for the Sr. High (grades 10-12) All-County Band: Shannon Fitch, Josh Popp and Emery Lawrence. Sr. High All-County Chorus students include: Sam Lim, Breanna Delaney and Keith Huynh. Philip Parkes was accepted to Sr. High All-County Orchestra.
Additionally, two band students qualified for the Area All-State festival to be held on February 1-2 at Ithaca College. Shannon Fitch (Alto Saxophone) and Josh Popp (Trumpet) were selected to this elite ensemble based on their NYSSMA solo last spring. Shannon received a score of 100 on her level 6 solo and Josh earned a 99 on his level 6 solo.