

The CBA junior class traveled to Washington DC for three days recently to see the historical and commemorative sites they learn about in history classes.

As they toured the sites throughout the nation’s capital, the students were deeply impacted by the stories of struggle, sacrifice and heroism. In the week following their return home, the juniors wrote their reflections about the trip.

Students toured the Smithsonian Museums and enjoyed seeing the exhibits at the Museum of Air and Space, the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of American History. They visited the Vietnam War Memorial, the Roosevelt Memorial, and the Capital Building and took a tour of Arlington Cemetery. They also saw the Kennedy graves, General Lee’s House and the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

“The changing of the guard was amazing and the whole place was so somber and reverent,” Patrick Morris shared.

Seeing the original documents of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution at the National Archives helped many students appreciate the foundation of their rights and freedoms as Americans.

“It makes you appreciate the history of our founding fathers,“ Charlie Russo said.

The Holocaust Museum was the last tour stop. Deshawn Salter stated that the tour of the Holocaust Museum had the greatest impact on him.

“With the ID cards they give you, along with the layout of the exhibits, you almost feel like you were there during that period and it becomes close to your heart,” Salter said.

Although the entire three days were packed with tours and learning, the juniors also appreciated the time they had together as a class.

“The best part of the junior class trip for me was how close I got to my classmates,” Katie Rivito said. “I bonded with so many people. It was nice to come together as a class and feel like we were all connected.”