080315 catherine carterDewitt-Christian Brothers Academy’s Catherine Carter ’16 represented New York as a National Youth Delegate to the 2015 Washington Youth Summit on the Environment at George Mason University June 28-July 3.

Carter joined a select group of 250 students from across the country to participate in an intensive study of leadership in environmental science and conservation. Carter was chosen based on academic accomplishments and a demonstrated interest and excellence in leadership in the sciences and conservation studies.

The Washington Youth Summit on the Environment (WYSE) is a unique student leadership conference designed to develop and encourage future leaders in the important field of environmental studies and conservation in the 21st century.

With distinguished faculty, guest speakers, and direct access to elite D.C. practitioners, the Washington Youth Summit on the Environment offers aspiring environmentalists and student leaders an unparalleled experience.

Carter is the daughter of Brian and Gretchen Carter of Central Square.