In late July, more than one hundred Brothers from across the District gathered to celebrate their vocation. The weekend began with a Friday afternoon Mass at De La Salle Hall, our nursing care Community. The Mass honored resident Brothers Gabriel Fiumano, FSC (75 years) and Peter Costello, FSC (60 years). The Mass was followed by a barbeque on the patio. The celebration continued Saturday with Mass in the auditorium of Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ honoring all of our Jubilarians. Also at the ceremony, one postulant renewed his promises, and two of our young Brothers renewed their annual vows. Following the Mass, a luncheon was hosted at CBA Lincroft for all attending. Since the temperatures were in the nineties that weekend, Brothers were given the option of wearing business casual attire.

Celebrating his sixty-year Jubilee, Br. Peter Costello, FSC, receives communion during Mass on Friday at De La Salle Hall.

Brs. Kyle Mena, FSC, and Joseph (J.D.) Macioce, FSC, renew their Annual Vows with the Provincial/Visitor of the District, Br. Robert Schaefer, FSC.

Brothers of the District join in the Mass celebrating Jubilarians and young Brothers’ vows.

Jubilarian Brothers attending the Mass and Celebration in their honor.
Then on September 16th, nearly fifty Brothers joined family members and special friends for the ceremony at Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett RI, to witness the perpetual profession of vows by Br. Steven Barbaro, FSC, and first promises of Br. Joshua Bashore, FSC.These times spent celebrating vocation and the milestones achieved by the Brothers were inspirational for all. Please join us in praying for many more years of success in their lives of faith and service.

Br. Robert Schaefer, FSC, Visitor/Provincial, with Br. Steven Barbaro, FSC, who pronounced his perpetual profession of vows, and Br. Joshua Bashore, FSC, who pronounced his First Promises and formally entered the postulancy program of initial formation

Brothers welcome Br. Steven with the traditional “Accolade,”
an ancient French custom expressed by an embrace.

It was a full house in Our Lady of the Star Chapel at Christian Brothers Center.

Left: Br. Joshua Bashore, FSC, pronounced his First Promises.