The young men gathered for the Vocation Summit ended the formal event with Mass in the Brothers’ Community chapel on the Central Catholic campus.
Pittsburgh, PA – On Thursday October 25, young men gathered for the District’s second Vocation Summit. An intimate gathering, students enjoyed the talk and small group activities presented by John Donohoe-Grossman. John, a national speaker from the State of Washington, talks to Catholic Youth around the country. John spoke to the young men on discerning God’s will in their lives. After prayer and a meal, participants took a tour of Mount Washington, providing a great view of the city, and stopped for an ice cream treat in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh. The Vocation Team is thankful for the many efforts of Bro. Ken Kalinowski and Mr. John Berlin of De La Salle Collegiate for making the trip to Pittsburgh with the students from De La Salle Detroit, and for all who made the Summit possible at Central Catholic High School.