Executive Director William Gault, far right, stands proudly with our eight
First Holy Communicants and altar servers from The De La Salle School, with celebrant Our Holy Redeemer Pastor Father Douglas Arcoleo, far left.
Freeport, NY – On Friday, May 19, four students from fifth grade, two students from sixth grade and two students from The De La Salle eighth grade received their First Holy Communion during the 12:10 PM parish mass. It was wonderful to see these eight young students take this next step in their faith Journey. Saint John Baptist de La Salle wrote in a Meditation to his Brothers: “Earnestly ask Jesus that his Spirit may be alive in you.” The eight young men who asked to receive their First Holy Communion have done just that. Please keep the First Communicants and all the students of The De La Salle School in your prayers.

Members of the Mock Trial team, from left Marcus, Gr. 7, Miguel, Gr. 7, Matthew G., Gr. 7, Jay, Gr. 7, “Acting Judge” Michael Rabus, Esq., Matthew S., Gr. 8, Emil, Gr. 7, Daniel L., Gr. 8, Brendon, Gr. 7, Kenneth, Gr. 7, Noe, Gr. 8, and Executive Director, Mr. William Gault.
Saturday, May 20 ten students took part in the Mock Trial program at St. John’s University School of Law. Although it was a split decision, the judge was very complimentary of our students’ performance. Coached by attorneys Susan Bevilacqua and Grace Moran and assisted by two St. Johns University law students, the team from The De La Salle School went up against students from St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope Regional School in Westbury. The school community is extremely proud of their participation and how well they represented the school.