provided by Br. Michael Andrejko, FSC – Director of Contacts
Paoli, PA – Seven Contacts from Detroit, New York City, and Buffalo, gathered this past January 3-6 at Dalylesford Abbey in Paoli, PA for the biannual Contact Retreat. Brother Leo Smith, FSC, was the main presenter and spoke on the “Brother as a Man of Prayer.” He also spent time speaking about his experiences in Africa over his seventeen years as a Missionary in Kenya and Eritrea. In addition, the contacts conducted a day of service, organizing and supervising a field day at La Salle University for roughly 45 students from La Salle Academy – Philadelphia. The day consisted of demonstrations in the Communications Department, an artwork “scavenger hunt” in the La Salle Art Museum, games, a tour of campus, and lunch that was prepared by the Contacts.
An enriching experience, the Contacts felt “called to strengthen their prayer life” as well as having a “deeper understanding of Lasallian Spirituality,” and wanting “to be more present when praying” at the completion of the retreat. The Contacts cited their interactions with the students at La Salle Academy as well as Br. Leo’s sharing of his experiences in Kenya as highlights of the retreat.
- Bro. Leo Smith, FSC was the main presenter and spoke on the Brother as a Man of Prayer.
- Brother shared his experiences from seventeen years as a Missionary in Kenya and Eritrea.
- Meals provided for time in association and community.
- The Contacts planned La Salle Academy students’ field day.
The Contact Program is most grateful to Br. Leo Smith, presenter, Br. Francis Eells for his assistance in running the retreat, Brothers Richard Galvin, David Deradoorian, and Kyle Mena for their visit and time in association during the retreat, and Fr. William Trader for his gracious hospitality at Daylesford Abbey Spiritual Center.