Lasallians from across the District gather for discussions / prayers in Providence

CIL Participants (l to r) Lois Harr, Br. Ed Phelan, Heather Ruple, and Br. John McGoldrick spoke about their experience in Rome and the growing conversation of Lasallian association in the Institute, and answered questions from the group.
4/2/2011 – Providence, RI – Christian Brothers and partnersconverged on the San Miguel School in Providence on the first Saturday in April for a day of Association. Hosted by the Rhode Island Lasallian Association Group (RILAG), Lasallians engaged in conversation and prayer, reflecting on their experiences, and the recent publication about association from the Institute, Circular 461.

The “Association Concept Splash” activity took quotes from Circular 461 and the most recent CIL presenters quotes, and invited Lasallians present at the Association day to respond, interpret, and offer reflections by “sticky note” for group discussion.
Over 25 Lasallians gathered in Rhode Island, many from the other District association groups LAMAS (Lasallian Association of Metropolitan Area Schools) and PALM (Philadelphia Area Lasallian Ministries) and a Br. Charles Kitson in Rome via SKYPE, to offer reflections on Ciruclar 461 and how individuals live the Lasallian educational mission. Four of the seven Lasallian International Centre participants were on hand to conduct a panel on the Circular as well as their experience in Rome. An “Association Concept Splash,” group discussion activities, and lunch, allowed Lasallians to field each others’ questions, think about the concept of Lasallian association on a broader level, all while socializing and building stronger Lasallian relationships.

Association Day participants gathered for a group photo, while holding starfish, making reference to “The Starfish Story” by Loren Eisley – “I made a difference to that one…”