school-logo-DLS-CollegiateWarren, MI – De La Salle Collegiate High School received notification late last month that the school has been approved as an authorized International (IB) World School.

De La Salle is the first private school in Macomb County, Michigan, to receive this prestigious designation. Approximately only 20 high schools around the world earn this approval annually.

The IB Program was founded in Geneva, Switzerland, as a single, academically challenging program for internationally mobile students preparing for universities. Students take the IB classes as a cohort, and write final examinations, evaluated by an external IB team, at the end of their senior year. Those who pass the exams receive the IB Programme Diploma. The IB program has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities.

Two years ago, DLS began the IB application process, and in mid-September, an IB Review Committee visited DLS. That review team expected to inform DLS of its decision in February 2015, at the earliest.

“This is fantastic news,” said Principal Patrick Adams. “This is a testament to the hard work of everyone in the building, particularly our IB Coordinator, and all the teachers who have taken the training to teach IB to our first cohort in the Fall of 2015.”

Admissions Director Bill Burkhardt said, “For many families making a decision about high schools, this is just another reason to strongly consider De La Salle. This is part of our Lasallian mission to educate all students, and help them develop their full potential.”

More information about the IB program is on the DLS IB website.