Freeport, NY – Monday, September 10 The De La Salle School parking lot was filled with excitement and nervousness as the parents of the fifth and eighth grade students watched their sons board the coach bus that would take their children for a week-long visit to Spring Brook Farm in Vermont. Aware that there would be no cell connections, parents, some with tears in their eyes, waved them off as the bus pulled out of the parking lot knowing that they would not see or hear from their sons until their return on Friday evening.

The trip was a great success as all thirty-six students enjoyed the experience of the Green Mountains of Vermont. While the fifth graders had the traditional farm experience, the eighth graders spent time camping in the mountains learning survival skills. Together with De La Salle faculty members, Mr. Donodeo, Mr. Vera, Principal Mrs. Becker and Executive Director Mr. Gault, the young men honed leadership skills, grew in responsibility, came together to share stories over fresh farm meals, and marveled at the beauty of God’s creation as they participated in the Farms for City Kids program. This is the thirteenth consecutive year the fifth-grade students of The De La Salle School were privileged to participate in this program; however it is the first time the eighth grade went for their mountain top adventure. It was a great educational experience, allowing students to put into practice skills learned in the classroom, while enjoying the beauty that God has created.  Please see more pictures of the farm adventure, below.

Friday evening there was great excitement and anticipation as the bus entered the parking lot. Parents and extended family members, many with welcome home balloons, eagerly greeted their sons as they exited the bus. The boys couldn’t wait to regale their families with stories from the week. Kids jumping up and down with joy and parents beaming from ear to ear knowing their sons had an extraordinary adventure but were now back home safe with them.