
De La Salle students help clean the Dairy Barn.

De La Salle students help clean the Dairy Barn.

9/30/11Reading, VT – The De La Salle School took its annual trip with its fifth graders to Spring Brook Farm in Reading,VT. Sponsored by Farms for City Kids. This week-long experience on a working dairy farm elicited comments like the following:

  • “I liked feeding the calf.”

  • “It was fun selling stuff at the Farmer’s Market.”

  • “The goats were friendly.”

  • “I had never milked a cow before.”

  • “It was tough to catch the chickens.”

  • “I learned how to make cheese.”

  • “Cleaning out the dairy barn was hard work.”

  • “The heifer listened to me and I don’t speak cow.”

  • Students picking farm fresh apples.

    Students picking farm fresh apples.

Accompanied by two teachers, the young men grew in responsibility, worked as a team, applied math and writing skills, and bonded as a class. The eighteen De La Salle students have a shared experience that will last a lifetime! The school staff and administration would like to give special thanks to the benefactors of the Farms for City Kids Program who made the opportunity possbile.