Newark, NJ – DENA Lasallians joined with over 400 hundred Catholics including many religious congregations of men such as Franciscans, Jesuits, and Columbans at the Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children in Newark, NJ. This prayerful action calling for the humane treatment of migrant and refugee children focused its attention on the current conditions of children being held in United States Detention Centers.

A recent Homeland Security inspector general’s report showed migrant and refugee children detained in cages, separated from their family members and living in unhealthy and unsanitary conditions.

For Lasallians the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, is a “flagship cause” of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and therefore Lasallians are called to act and advocate on the behalf of children who often are voiceless and cannot advocate for themselves.

From the statement of purpose for the Catholic Action for Immigrant Children: “The faith community cries out against this inhumane treatment of children, not only as a violation of human dignity and rights, but also contrary to religious teachings and the sacred call to care for people who are most at risk, especially children.:

For updated information as to how you can become involved – www.fscdena/advocacy