Eatontown, NJ – The rise in violence against members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities coupled with the March 16th killing of 8 people in the Atlanta, Georgia area have caused great pain for all people of good will, most especially our sister and brothers of Asian and Pacific Islander descent. As part of the ongoing work of the DENA Racial Justice Coalition, we condemn the violence and the Atlanta murders in the strongest possible terms. We remember the victims by name as we hold them, their families and their communities in prayer:

Delaina Ashley Yaun, 33, Paul Andre Michels, 54, Xiaojie Yan, 49, Daoyou Feng, 44, Soon C. Park, 74, Hyun J. Grant, 51, Suncha Kim, 69, Yong A. Yue, 63

How you can take action against racism and be in support of our sisters and brothers who are of Asian America and Pacific Islander (AAPI) descent? In addition to making sure that we are providing a safe and supportive space for our AAPI students, colleagues and their families here are a few other suggestions:

  1. Acknowledge anti-Asian racism: an important first step is to acknowledge that anti-Asian racism exists. Stop AAPI Hate is a national coalition documenting and addressing anti-Asian discrimination.
  2. Check in and offer specific forms of support: Non-Asian friends and colleagues can show support by checking in and asking open-ended questions such as “how are you feeling” or “is there anything I can do for you?” and then LISTEN.
  3. Take action: speak up against acts of violence or discrimination against AAPI sisters and brothers. Be an “Upstander” not a bystander. Educate yourself and others about this form of racism. Advocacy groups such as Asian Americans Advancing Justice offer bystander intervention training.
  4. Donate to AAPI causes and businesses.
  5. Make a long-term commitment to be anti-racist.


Source: Jennifer Liu @JLJENNIFERLU
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