Beltsville, MD – Students from St. John’s College High School and Calvert Hall College High School participated in an evening of discernment sponsored by our District. The twenty-three attendees, who were invited by faculty members to consider participating, gathered at La Salle Hall. They were given an opportunity to explore the many ways God is present to us when making decisions.

Faculty members from both schools shared experiences from their lives demonstrating how we can discern God’s call through the people around us, prayer, and personal experience. Our Brothers who were involved in the planning and execution of the day were Michael Andrejko, Paul Avvento, Mark Brown, Francis Eells, and Leonard Rhoades.

All attendees joined the La Salle Hall community for dinner. Among the student comments were “I really enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the Christian Brothers“; “I would love to organize more times to just sit and talk with the Brothers”; “I found the talks and discussions very interesting”.

We give thanks for the testimony of the witnesses and prayers for the young people who are discerning God’s will in their regard.