of Our Brother Novices
and Jubilarians

July 24, 2021

The District of Eastern North America hosted its first in-person District Day since 2019. Let us pray, and welcome home our Brother Novices for Profession of First Vows, and celebrate our Brother Jubilarians!

For our Brothers and Lasallians not attending in person, we happily streamed the Mass from the Parish of St. Mary’s in Colts Neck, NJ.

Brother Novices

J.D. Macioce
Kyle Mena

Brother Jubilarians

75 Years

Edward Adams
Peter Bonventre
Gregory Cavalier
John Herron
Gregory Quinn

70 Years

Dominic Gisondo
John Muller
Gregory Myles
Jerome Stevens
David Van Hollebeke
Floyd Warwick

60 Years

Brian Carty
Robert Deary
Thomas Egan
John Guasconr
John Karl
Patrick King
Carl Malacaza
James Muffley
John Vella
Martin Zewe

50 Years

Leslie Luker
Charles Mrozinski

40 Years

James Butler
Kevin Finn

More than 120 Brothers from across our District came together on Saturday, July 24, 2021, to celebrate vocation as a Christian Brother. The day began with Mass at St. Mary’s Church in Colts Neck NJ.

The highlight of the day was the ceremony in which Brs. Kyle Mena and Joseph (J.D.) Macioce made their first vows to the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, and the personal congratulations that were offered from the other Brothers in attendance. This was followed by honoring our Brothers celebrating Jubilee years, who stood to recite a renewal of their vows. This included Brothers with forty to seventy-five years of service.

The ceremonies were followed by a luncheon reception hosted by Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft NJ.