This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it! Psalm 118:24

Dear Lasallians!

At 9:00 this morning the call came from Brother Robert Schieler, the General Councilor for the USA/Toronto Region, announcing that Brother Alvaro Rodriquez Echeverria, the Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, and his Council had formally approved and immediately established the new District of Eastern North America.

In this same moment the Districts of Baltimore, Long Island/New England and New York ceased to be and became part of the proud history of generations of Brothers and Partners in these former Districts.

We look back now in great gratitude for the rich history of our former Districts but more importantly we look forward in great hope for what is and what will be!

This new creative action was the culmination of a long process of discernment of Brothers and Partners leading to a representative assembly of the Brothers this August which resoundingly ratified the decision to request becoming one new District.

The fundamental motivation for taking this action was the choice for new life: together and in association with our Partners, to revitalize our mission of education and evangelization to young people, especially those who are from challenging economic circumstances; for the renewal of our lives as Religious men; and for the future of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in Eastern North America.

We move forward now together with a renewed spirit of faith and zeal, and trusting in God’s providence that God will continue to bless and prosper the many life-giving works of our new District!

I invite you to share the attached prayer in thanksgiving for the new District of Eastern North America in any way that is appropriate for your ministry or community. In the next few days we will alert you to our new District website as it goes live. It will be found at

In thanksgiving for our new District and for all that you do to make the Spirit come alive in the hearts and minds of your students and one another, let us say with joy ~

Saint John Baptist de La Salle…. Pray for us! Live Jesus in our hearts…. Forever! Best wishes for a safe and grace-filled New Year!

Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC
Visitor, District of Eastern North America