Czestochowa, Poland – Dennis Malloy joined Bob Schaefer in Czestochowa, Poland earlier this month for a Lasallian formation session for the District of Poland. Over 35 Brothers and Lasallian partners from all the ministries of the District gathered for a workshop on various topics of Lasallian formation.
In addition to two traditional schools, the District of Poland has a good number of Centers and residential programs that care for the most vulnerable: mentally and physically handicapped children and adults, children and youth with emotional challenges as well as those in conflict with the law. Given his many years of serving in Youth and Family Service ministries, Dennis was able to offer the participants a great reflection on this aspect of our Mission going back to the days of the Founder.
In addition to Bob and Dennis, Mr. Joseph Gilson, Director of Formation for the District of Ireland/Great Britain and Malta and the husband of former DENA LV Heather Ruple, also helped to facilitate the program. One of the accompany photos depicts Joe between Dennis and Bob with Brother Mateusz Debski (a translator) on the far right. The other picture shows some of the teachers in the audience learning from Dennis and Bob.