Cool for School - The 2017 Contacts' Winter Retreat

Cool for School – The 2017 Contacts’ Winter Retreat

Paoli, PA – Fourteen Contacts, young men considering the vocation of a Christian Brother, gathered outside Philadelphia at the Daylesford Abbey January 5th through 8th. Together and by association, these young men spent time in prayer, conversation,  and camaraderie as they explored their call to be educators and possible Brothers.

It wasn’t all quiet contemplation and reflection, though. Contacts had the opportunity to work their leadership and teaching skills while they hosted La Salle Academy Philadelphia’s 5th – 8th graders at La Salle University. The Friday was filled with fun physical activities, a Contact led tour of the University’s campus by La Salle alums, and time spent cultivating their creative side at the University’s on campus Art Museum. The Contacts even prepared lunch for the Academy students, complete with prayers and praises on the bags, and prayers and praise throughout the day.

The Retreat weekend was spent in prayer, reflection, and presentations. Contacts Paul Avvento, Paul Cillo, and Kyle Mena, currently living in Brothers’ Communities and serving at respective ministries, shared their experiences with the group, and how community life has and continues to be fulfilling and formative. Br. Richard Buccina, FSC, the Director of the Postulant Community at Jeremy House in Philadelphia, gave deep insight into the Brothers’ mission of service and education to the poor, and how Lasallian education continues to be an important work in the Church.

Many blessings to the young men of our Contact Program, especially this weekend’s Retreat participants, as they continue to discern God’s call in their lives.

Dominic Aldini
Paul Avvento
Brian Bernard
Jim Burke
Javier Castro
Paul Cillo
Mike Espisito
Cristian Germes
J.D. Macioce
Kyle Mena

David Muñoz
Moises Peña
Timothy Robles
Chris Sullivan

Accompanied by:
Br. Richard Buccina, FSC
Br. Francis Eells, FSC
Br. Richard Galvin, FSC
Br. Dennis Lee, FSC
Br. Dennis Malloy, FSC

